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Why oh why can't I have an action with either:
a.) an assigned project but no context
b.) an assigned context but no project

to show up in its proper place???

I have actions with no context, but are part of a project called someday/maybe. They show up fine under 'No Context' in the context mode, but they are no where to be found in the plan mode; they are not in the someday/maybe project.

Also, when I create actions manually in the someday/maybe project in plan mode that have no context, they stay in the project until I leave and when I come back they are gone! Banished back to the inbox?!

It seems that things work fine if I specify both a project and a context to an action. However, if I leave out either one, all hell breaks loose and where the action shows is really, really counter-intuitive.

Am I doing something wrong or is this some feature of the software I'm not grokking?