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Reading this thread one would think 1P had been invented sometime near the dawn of the WWW. Perhaps someone here knows the exact date it was first made available to users, but to me it seems like no more than five years ago. Before that I used something called "Keychain," a native Apple invention that debuted IIRC with OS 9.
Yes, I use 1P, but I also still use Keychain. It works fine on OmniWeb, on Camino, on Safari, and with an extension called "Keychain Services Integration" works fine on Firefox too. Most times when a sign-on page pops up on OmniWeb the blanks are automatically filled in by Keychain before I can even think to click on 1P.
Last Pass is certainly helpful to users of Opera or SeaMonkey, but why would anyone need it for OW? As far as I'm concerned, dump Lion or dump 1P, or better dump both; and use the native app God - er, Steve - gave us. All this moaning and groaning about the indispensability of a third party app is ridiculous!