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Right now the solution is to use the service. You send an email to that address with the subject line being the name of the action, and the body being the contents of the note. A few seconds later you get back a response which is populated with some links. Click on the Send to OmniFocus link included and it launches OmniFocus and populates the quick entry window for you. When I do my initial scan of forum posts while attempting to awaken, anything that requires more than a few seconds gets routed through this for processing at the Mac, so here's what I got for this post:


Mac Quick Entry:

iPad Quick Entry:

You have to send the email from an account which you can read on your iPad, or forward the message from the Omni server to such an account.

It isn't perfect, and you can't use it to get attachments into the program, but it's better than a sharp stick in the eye :-)