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It's a good point. In theory, it's possible that Uma won't remember until she tries to kill bill.

The main principle is, it's very difficult to plan out everything that could possibly happen when a project is created. Often, projects will change after it has been started. All the tasks that you thought you needed to do have changed, and all that work you did carefully planning out the project went to waste. (Except for the brainstorming that may have uncovered some tasks I wouldn't have thought of without the brainstorming.)

It's been my experience that I'll figure out how to do the project when I am completing tasks. That's when I remember the things I missed in the project stage.

It's also been my experience that it is inefficient to try and plan a project out to the very last detail from the beginning. Usually, I'll enter a project, along with the tasks that I think I need to do. As I start working on a project, then more children are added.

In the kill bill example:
(1) kill Bill's inferiors
- (1.1) kill Vernita Green
- (1.2) kill O-Ren Ishii
- (1.3) kill Elle Driver
- (1.4) kill Budd

(2) kill Bill

Okay... so I switch to contexts and begin working.

kill Vernita is top on the list.

I see that as my action and then I think... wait, I don't have the right tool for this action. I can't physically complete that action. So I go to the project view and add the children.

(1) kill Bill's inferiors
- (1.1) kill Vernita Green
--(1.1.1) find out where Vernita Green Lives
--(1.1.2) pick up knife from army surplus store
- (1.2) kill O-Ren Ishii
- (1.3) kill Elle Driver
- (1.4) kill Budd

(2) kill Bill

Now when I go back to my contexts I see
find out where vernita green lives
pick up knife from army surplus store

when I complete those two actions, I would like to see
kill vernita green
in the contexts.

But then I remember, I don't know when she'll be at home.
So I go back to projects and add

(1) kill Bill's inferiors
- (1.1) kill Vernita Green
--(1.1.3) stake out Vernita Green's house to find when to assisinate
- (1.2) kill O-Ren Ishii
- (1.3) kill Elle Driver
- (1.4) kill Budd

now I go back to contexts
stake out Vernita Green's house to find when to assassinate

I do my stake out. Find the best time to assasinate her and complete the task.

Now in my contexts I see
kill Vernita Green

I can't think of anything else I need to do other than the dirty deed itself.

So I do it, and complete it.

There is no way to guarantee that I will remember to write everything down. All I know is, as I am working on a project, I figure out how to work the project.

Often a project may start with just one action item. It will then expand into all the other actions I didn't know I needed to do to complete the project.

One of the principles I follow from GTD is... make sure every project has at least one actionable item to move it forward. The principle isn't, make sure that every project is completely planned before you start working on it. If I did that, I'd procrastinate because my project wasn't completely planned and so I can't start on it.

Often just having the next step is enough to generate new steps.