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Originally Posted by enigma2k View Post
I have noticed that Omnifocus also shows project as "no context" if set to "remaining". But it won't give me a drop-down menu like actions to put it in a context. Only way to context it, is with drag/drop. Strange, it seems like Omnifocus don't want you to context projects.
It doesn't make it particularly convenient to set the context of a project while in context mode, but the general notion is that you use project mode to set up your projects, and context mode to execute them. Use the Inspector in project mode to set the context of a project or action group. To get there quickly, option-double-click on the row handle of an action in the project.
Ok lets say I have as availability filter, "available" so I won't see the project and only the actions and move all actions of a project to the context: "computer".
I then focus on the context "computer" and mark all the actions of the context "computer" as finished.
And now in order to finish the project, I have to go to "no context" to mark the project title as finished. This seems a bit counter intuitive...
Using the inspector as described above, you can mark the project to be automatically completed when the last action is marked complete. You can set this to be the default for newly created projects by going to the Preferences, Data tab.