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Originally Posted by javito View Post
Sometimes I left notes on my done actions and would like to be able to easily access to them via a simple search.
This can already be done. You just need to keep in mind that OmniFocus searches only what is currently visible. So if you're not in a perspective that shows completed items, they won't be included in your search results.

To search your entire database, select the All Items option from the Perspectives menu. Then conduct your search as you normally would. Note that this does not include archived items, since that is a separate database.

But I agree that there's room for improvement in searching OmniFocus:
  1. Most of all, I'm hoping for some performance improvements when searching large databases. I have about 2,800 actions in my database and it's a bit sluggish when searching the whole thing. It's still quite usable, but I want it to be as snappy and quick as it is when searching smaller subsets of my data.

  2. It'd be nice to have an easier way to specify whether you want to search the entire database or just the current view. The Omni Group has previously mentioned that they're planning to provide this, but I'm not sure when or what form it will take.

  3. Boolean operators would be nice. The Omni Group has hinted that this will likely come in OmniFocus 2 along with smart folders.
