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I am wondering about the format of the .ofocus file, too.

I discovered when I upgraded to 1.0.2 (and thought my .ofocus file was corrupt) that my back ups weren't really backing up. I use FileSync <> to back up my files to a remote server. When FileSync does its thing, it lists all the files it is copying over to the server. When it gets to the .ofocus file, it lists HUNDREDS of individual files. If you open the package contents of the .ofocus file, you can see all these individual files (and if you are brave and try to open them, at least the way I did it, you get a bunch of computer symbolese nonsense). When I went to use my supposed back up, the .ofocus package was empty! (Which led to a morning of despair thinking I had lost all my OF data, but things turned out fine... see this thread <> for details).

So I am wondering why all the individual "files" within the .ofocus package (not sure if this is the right terminology) wouldn't copy over to my back up server? Any thoughts or ideas?
