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Originally Posted by Drayon
The tab orientation screws up the page up/down arrow key commands we are used to in Camino, Safari, iCab and god knows what other browser. In this browser it selects tabs, well in other browsers selecting tabs is Command+shift+arrow left/right. On this issue if you are a powerbook user you cannot use 1 single hand to move from page top/bottom. You need to use 2 hands, one on the 'fn' key the other on the arrow up/down unless of course you have hands the size of an Abominable Snowman ;-)
Command-up. Command-down. (Gosh, logical isn't it!)
Spacebar, shift-spacebar. (Standard in Safari and Firefox too)
The thing is the Horizontal top of browser Tabs is a time proven method, it doesn't require a different method just to be different much like the start button in windows so why bother implementing and wasting so many resources designing an inferior poorly thought out concept with other things just work better.
Horizontal tabs are a time-proven crap UI, with a poorly thought out inferior design.

Hey, expressed like that, does it sound like an over-opinionated one-sided view to anyone else?