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I am setting up a new project based on the frameworks and have pretty much replicated the structure of the sample iPad projects. The whole thing builds but I get this error during the CopyLibraryResources run phase. Pretty much stumped after debugging. Can anyone help? My ipad project is not embedded in the OmniUI directory structure, but at the same level as my OmniGroup directory..I carefully ( I think ?) set the configuration. Everything builds but....


"object isa XCVersionGroup, expecting PBXFileReference or PBXVariantGroup or PBXReferenceProxy, died at ../OmniGroup/Scripts/ListSourceFilesInTarget line 76...."

then falls through, analyzes and succeeds (links) with no errors. I must be missing something?!

SDK:iOS4.02 XCode:3.2.3 OS:10.6.4

Thanks in advance.