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I HATE thumbnail tabs, and never use them simply because A u can't even read what's in them any way an two they take up way to much space which forces you to scroll yet another part of the UI if you have many tabs. Its simply a dumb idea it reminds me of a Microsoft thing of copying a cool idea an implementing it in a bonheaded way just to pretend they never copied it. What else is dumb about the draw, well on widescreen Powerbook it obscures completely my ichat window which is perched on one side of the display since OW takes up most of the screen it cant be placed anywhere else, 2) i close the dumb draw so i can see what else it going on then i create a new tab in OW an then the draw opens again. This browser is constantly antagonizing me with that damn draw, i wish the stubborn developers would give us horizontal tabs like other browsers as an option.

That way we can have back the logical key commands of 'Page Arrow Up/Down' to scroll instantly to/bottom of pages instead of the stupid 'function key' left/right which we are currently forced to use as default. OW forces tab switching using Command Up/Down CRAZEE!!!! If we get horizontal tabs we can have the more logical Command+Shift Arrow Left/Right to cycle between tabs like Safari.

OW is far better than any othe rbrowser on the planet except their Tab design and the URL AutoComplete and the lack of Offline cache browsing (while a net connection is not available). Sort those things out then move on to other improvements.enhancments...this sheet is critical right now.