Thread: Inbox use
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Originally Posted by LawDaddy View Post
I'm not sure a separate inbox app would do much for me, either. I tend to use the phone inbox for quick capture and do my sorting on the desktop app. Since I don't assign contexts or projects to many items on the phone, I don't see the keystroke (or tapping) savings: -> open iOF -> tap the inbox icon -> enter something in the title -> save -> out of mind, process it later.
I think that's exactly the point! I too don't do a lot of sorting on the iPhone; it's my capture device. Therefore capture should be as quick as possible.

You're right; if you're doing a text item a separate app (or whatever) wouldn't save you a lot of time. But it would if you just wanted to record a note or take a photo, which was my point.

Typing is fine on the iPhone (I've had all kinds of mobile devices, and the iPhone is the best by far for typing), but still causes you to stop if you're walking or similar, and is obviously a definite no-no if driving. What could be better or more intuitive as a thought capture method, especially if you process everything on the desktop as you do, than recording a note at the touch of a button, then listening to it and typing it up when you get back to the office?

Outside of being able to assign iOF to the home button double tap shortcut, I'm not sure you can get a much more direct path to the inbox.
True, but you can get a more direct path to recording and saving a voice note.
