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I give up. I'm reinstalling Things on my iPhone (and that app doesn't even sync yet!).

It's just That Upsetting--i.e., wanting to rely on software that I've paid for, and losing 1-2 hours a day now because it doesn't work. I know Ken has promised it will be corrected in 1.0.3, but that could be days or weeks--I can't afford to lose the reliability I place on PM/todo software on my iPhone now for that long a time.

The reason I get so enraged about this stuff is because I care so deeply and passionately about good software UI, reliability, accountability, and just plain integrity. What's ironic about this is that the iPhone release is "regular" software, and it's the version that's breaking down; whereas the desktop OF client I'm running is a beta (sneaky peak), and yet it's working fine. Great, in fact.

Would it be possible for OmniGroup to please Twitter when 1.0.3 comes out? I didn't even know when 1.0.2 was released...I only got the news from some obscure RSS feed; and then I had to dive deep into a forum to learn that it has to be "rebought" from iTunes Apps store to install correctly. An email announcement to all paying iPhone OF customers would be even better, of course, but a twitter is faster now (and less work for OG). Thanks.