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Originally Posted by ekang View Post
Thanks for the reply!

Just to clarify, once you make all your changes on the iPhone and sync, all the changes are going through?

I'm trying to find a way to have the iDisk file override the laptop version after I get back from work because if I don't, 95% of the changes I've made on my phone (date changes, completed tasks) don't push through.

I know how to use my laptop version to override but not vice versa.
Yes, sir. I'm seeing all changes. I think, though, that OG has improved the syncing of OF desktop and iPhone with the latest iPhone update. I'm leaving both apps open now and am not getting the dreaded "Use local or server copy" messages anymore.

I don't think you can do the override thing. If you can make sure your desktop app is not running before you leave, you shouldn't have a problem (at least I didn't).

I hope this helps!