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Even though I do not share the apocalyptic tone of santra, I must confess being somewhat underwhelmed by this update, at least for now.
The first thing I tried was to paste a graphic created in another Omni app (OGS on the iPad) and copied as an image: as before, in OO I do not get the image, but a very sad "PDF" icon. I just hope this will be fixed in the apps that create the graphics (OG & OGS), but if I paste my image, say, in Keynote, everything works.
If I may go on, my main other complaints concern the scarcity of "output" options (no printing, no PDF, no "send-to" HTML: I understand the difficulties, but I think they are needed to make OO really useful n the iPad) and the limited options for sync. iDisk is ok but it's going away, other WebDAV options are fine but they are not as easy to integrate in OSX as iDisk. I'm not very interested in iCloud for now, since it remains too much iOS-centric. I really hope that Omni would think about Dropbox support in their apps: currently, among the mayor iOS player only Apple and Omni, as far as I know, "refuse" to support it. I understand that in the case of Apple, not so much in the case of Omni.