Thread: collaboration
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Lots of people are requesting this. I'd guess (but obviously can't promise) that this could be a major feature of OmniPlan 2.0. We hoped that in the meantime, you could share read-only copies of the file or post a web page. Obviously, that's limiting, but allowing multiple people to edit a file at the same time and resolving the conflicts in those edits is a rather complex feature.

Another approach (which we're using at Omni) for the time-being might be, if you have a source control repository (cvs, subversion, perforce, etc.), you could store your OmniPlan files in there. Inside the file package, there's just a single XML file (for now), so version-tracking should play nicely with it. If you just edit a single task in the plan file, it'll be a relatively small change in the XML file. Is anyone (besides us) sharing OmniPlan files this way?