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When I'm in wifi areas, I use my Toodledo sync tool OFTD

But that can be sorta slow on Edge, so I use the iPhone notes program to jot stuff down, and then email it to myself.

I title the note

:To Do List

and My sig also starts with a ":"

I then copied the mail action script and added my own custom function before it gets passed to OmniFocus that ignores lines that start with : and also allows two spaces on a line to be considered a new task.

--after this line:
--set theText to theSubject & return & content of theMessage

on customProcessText(theText)
	set newText to ""
	set theLines to every paragraph of theText
	repeat with aLine in theLines
		if aLine begins with "  " then
			set newText to newText & "--" & (characters 3 thru -1 of aLine as string) & return
			if aLine does not start with ":" then
				set newText to newText & (aLine as string) & return
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
	return newText
end customProcessText