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Originally Posted by makesense View Post
I'd better have another item in options or in filter.

Most of my actions are work related and at work I have several contexts to do any action and I have 6 means to communicate, delegate and monitor almost everything. I usually don't know what will be the most appropriate way to assign the context time- and resource-wise before it is almost time for action. I wished my actions would be like do homework or buy ice cream - but they are not.
If this is the case, then maybe in your particular circumstance you are taking too granular a view of what a context needs to be. Maybe those six means to communicate, etc. need to be abstracted into one meta context that captures the whole thing. Then if you apply it, it's more than just a placeholder. Instead, it captures the actual reality of what it is to deal with those tasks.

It's kind of the reverse of a person who does all of their work inside the computer. In that instance, having a context called "computer" isn't very helpful. Maybe you need a context for each piece of software you use, or as in my case, two contexts called computer on-line and computer off-line.

It seems to me that if it takes too much thought to assign a context, then probably more thought needs to be put into the context definitions (i.e., they are are either too granular or not granular enough).

I did some reading at Merlin Mann's 43 Folders where he talked about contexts and how to define them. I found that very helpful back in the early days of the Omnioutliner GTD solution that was the precursor to OF.

I mostly just moved those same contexts over to OF when I bought it.