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Here's a slightly improved version. It creates an invisible window to do the data extraction, so your existing windows aren't affected, and it handles the case of an action without a context.

property TargetPerspective : "Geek Tool" -- set this to the name of the perspective that shows desired actions

set taskList to ""
tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell default document
		set _window to make new document window with properties {visible:false} at front of document windows
		tell _window
			set perspective name to TargetPerspective
			set oTrees to trees of content
			set n to count of oTrees
			repeat with i from 1 to n
				set oTask to value of (item i of oTrees)
				set taskTitle to name of oTask
					set projContext to name of context of oTask
				on error
					set projContext to "(No Context)"
				end try
				set taskList to taskList & " •    " & taskTitle & "  (" & projContext & ")
			end repeat
		end tell
		close _window
	end tell
end tell
return taskList