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Originally Posted by Tukanuk View Post
I'd like to write an Applescript to allow me to create a shortcut to focus on a particular folder which is hardwired into the script.
It would be helpful if the Complete function (which quickly finds projects and contexts by name) supported folders as well, but this draft (which searches recursively for the named folder) may be in the region of what you need.

(The first line needs to be edited to specify the name of a folder)

property pstrFolderName : "EDIT THIS STRING TO NAME OF A FOLDER"
property pstrTitle : "Focus on folder"

tell application "OmniFocus"
	set oDoc to default document
	set oFolder to my FolderByName(oDoc, pstrFolderName)
	if oFolder is not missing value then
		set focus of front document window of oDoc to {oFolder}
		display dialog "Folder name: " & ¬
			pstrFolderName & return & "not found" with title pstrTitle
	end if
end tell

on FolderByName(oParent, strName)
	using terms from application "OmniFocus"
		set lstMatches to folders of oParent where name is strName
		if length of lstMatches > 0 then
			return first item of lstMatches
			set lstFolders to folders of oParent
			repeat with oFolder in lstFolders
				set varResult to FolderByName(oFolder, strName)
				if varResult is not missing value then return varResult
			end repeat
		end if
		return missing value
	end using terms from
end FolderByName

Last edited by RobTrew; 2010-05-31 at 04:19 PM..