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About a year ago I was traveling without my Mac and tried to use send-to-omnifocus ... but quickly stopped. Why?

I was hoping it was a way to quickly add stuff to OF, in other words I was hoping to be able to, for example, when using safari/instapaper/reeder/Zite/etc to quickly make a task in OF without having to leave the current application. Unfortunately it turns out that I have to read my email and go through the returned emails one-by-one switching between Mail and OF to create the actions. I admit that it works and it's a clever way of working around iOS restrictions but ... it's too many steps.

So I've been waiting for an updated version of this functionality that would directly add the emails to my OF database on OmniGroups sync server. This way I would get "Add to OF"-functionality in most iOS apps.

Have I missed something and this functionality is already available somehow? If not, are there any plans to add this?