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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
We plan to expose this in Clippings Preferences in an upcoming update, but it's not there yet; for now, you have to set it by pasting this command into a Terminal window:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus ClippingsIgnoreAttachments -bool true
Once you've done that, restart OmniFocus and you should start seeing the new behavior.

Hope this helps!

Ken– What I really need is the ability to include or exclude email attachments via different key commands- or right clicking- or something relatively accessable. I'm constantly kicking emails into OF.

1) sometimes the attachments are important and I want them in OF so they sync to my other OF installs in other places.

2) MOST of the time, however, I want to kick the email in without the stupid embedded graphics and whatnot so they don't bloat my OF database.

Any suggestions?