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During a weekly review, or any morning/evening review i'll always go into my OF inbox and create projects out of the individual inbox items I see.

I'll create parent and child actions and each time when I'm done creating a project I always hit cmd+k for it to clean up, outta my inbox and into the left pane in OF...but now w/ 1.8 nothing happens at all. In fact, even upon getting out of the inbox to say, contexts and then come back, the projects i've created in the inbox still remain there and only there. Same deal if I close OF and then reopen it..

It's interupted my workflow but I love this forum so much I'm sure an solution is around the corner. Btw, I don't mind learning a new command; it's just a matter of getting used to.

I just want the ease of creating intricate and complex projects in the inbox and w/ a snap be able to have them out of there towards and empty inbox.

Thank guys!