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I know you folks are hard at work to bring all of your apps to the iPad, but I'm curious if one of my favorite features of Omnigraffle on the desktop has made it into v1.0: Outlining.

My workflow is pretty simple, and probably quite common. I dump my thoughts into the outlining pane on the left side of OG and then move them around as needed on the canvas. From time to time I use OG for the kinds of graphical creation that the iPad app seems to be built for, but more often than not I use it to dump my thoughts and then figure out what I was a honking all along :)

I presume this is not built in since it's not featured on your product page, and I also bet you've got to take the wrapping off of Omnioutliner for iPad before these kinds of features are enabled. But I'd love to know if it's in the app now or not. Thanks!