Thread: Badges wha huh?
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Originally Posted by Mojombo View Post
Obviously it's only counting the overdue ones in the overall total. But why??
What it does is show the count of the highest "class" of actions. So, if there are any overdue items, it shows the count of overdue items (in red). If there are no overdue items, it shows the count of due soon items (in orange), if there are any, otherwise it shows the count of items (in grey, Inbox and No Context bins only). If you don't have any overdue or due soon items, the menu bar count will be a 0 (in green) and there won't be a number on the dock icon.

On the iPhone/iPod app, the count shown by the dock icon can be configured to be the sum of any or all of the count of due soon, overdue, and flagged items. If you'd like to see this feature on the Mac app, use Help->Send Feedback to send in your request.
And what the heck is that grey number next to "No Context"? I go to the "No Context" selection under contexts (which also has a grey badge reading "4"), and I can't see anything there.
That means you've got 4 items with no context assigned, and they aren't visible with your current view settings (for example, you are showing available actions, and they are in sequential projects where they are not the next action).