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Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
No, I was talking about perspective names in the Perspectives window.

However, I should have been more precise: if I have already selected a perspective name, then clicking on it and waiting allows me to edit it. If I have not selected that perspective, then I do have to click a second time.
I'm sorry, but I can't get this to work, no matter where I click or wait. The only time I get it is if I click the second click fast enough that if I'm doing it in the Finder, it opens the file (interprets it as a double-click).

That is exactly how selection from a list is supposed to behave in OS X. Try it in the Finder (or Path Finder), or in iTunes (e.g. the name of a song). If clicking on a list element that was not already selected took the user into edit mode, there would be a lot of accidental renaming going on!
Hmm, I do NOT get the same behavior in iTunes clicking on names that I do in the perspectives window. However, it sounds like we might be agreeing that the behavior I see in iTunes (double-click plays the track, two slower clicks allows editing the track name) is how the Perspectives window ought to work.