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I'll give an example rather than the extremely long AND poorly explained initial post.

I'm a medical student. I have a 10-15 page paper to write on professionalism in medicine. The rough draft is due on 12/15. To make sure I work on this consistently, I want to START working on it on 11/15...and work on it every day. I have a daily recurring task of "Rough draft of Prof. Paper" that I set as due on 11/15. I then had the true due date of 12/15 in the notes field. This way, when 11/15 professionalism paper task pops up on my daily todo list. If I want to see when it's really due, I have to look in the notes field.

I'd rather enter 11/15 as the start date (in it's proper field) and 12/15 in the due date field. But if I set it up this way, it doesn't show up on 11/15 in my current context view of grouping:due, soting:name, action filter: next action at the top of my task list ("Due today") like I want it to to insure I start working on it (it's my work flow...and it works for me)...but rather shows up way down my task list ("Due within the next month") which can be 100 tasks away in this context view.

Is that descriptive enough for what I'm looking for? I tend to ramble.