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I think Schlaefer is saying (and I agree) is that the perspectives window ought to work like a list view in the Finder. In the Finder, one can double-click on the name as well as the icon and the file will open, which makes for a bigger target than just the icon. It'd be nice if the perspectives window worked that way, instead of having double-click take you immediately into editing the name of the perspective, which is a rather less frequently done operation than using the perspective!
I am using OmniFocus 1.0.2, and when I click on a perspective name in the Perspectives window, and wait, the name becomes editable.
I'm also running 1.0.2 (Tag: OmniFocus/1.0.2/GM-v77.1.7) and I am unable to get the behavior you describe. Single clicks do nothing but (re)select the perspective in the list, no matter how long I wait. A double click on the name puts me in name edit mode.