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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
You might find it useful to look at the sample "Send to OmniFocus" script which is bundled inside the app itself (in to OmniFocus.applescript).

In particular, it shows how you can use the complete command to find a project or context using the same mechanism as Quick Entry's completion matching, like so:

set ProjectString to "AP, AR, Finance"
set ContextString to "Online"

set MyProjectArray to complete ProjectString as project maximum matches 1
	set MyProjectID to id of first item of MyProjectArray
	set ThisProject to project id MyProjectID
on error
	set ThisProject to (make project with properties {name:ProjectString})
end try

set MyContextArray to complete ContextString as context maximum matches 1
if ((count of MyContextArray) > 0) then
	set MyContextID to id of first item of MyContextArray
	set ThisContext to context id MyContextID
	set ThisContext to (make context with properties {name:ContextString})
end if
Note: I just copied the above code directly from the "Send to OmniFocus" script (other than the initial assignment), without editing. Looking at it now, I'm not sure why the project code uses try / on error to notice when a project is missing, while the context code simply checks the number of returned items. It seems to me that either way should work fine, but the second method seems more straightforward and perhaps a little more efficient.
Thanks for the example Ken.