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While it does pose some privacy issues, and it's not exactly supported, etc. etc...

The "Find my iPhone" system on MobileMe looks imminently hackable. It's simple AJAX-based code running in your own browser. I'd be surprised if somebody hasn't already written a scriptable version of it that lets your server know where you are.

Run that server side, 15 minute locate interval. When the server notices you are near the hardware store, you can push "You're near the hardware store, you have 16 items to get there" notifications...

If a developer such as myself were interested in hacking this together, I'm wondering:
1. Is there an official way for me to dig into the OF data file? I've obviously looked at it a few times in the past, but not in too much depth. Is reverse engineering the bits that I need the best thing to do, or is there a possibility of some official library-style access tool?

1a. For a different project...if I want to modify OF data, is there a way to do this cleanly? I sync with MobileMe WebDav right now. I haven't looked seriously into the sync system that you're using; if the answer is to reverse engineer stuff, I'm fine with that. I just don't want to break anything, or reverse engineer it the day before the new version changes it all. (I have a few ideas for smart / context aware list stuff that I want to play around with. So my back-end would sometimes re-arrange my lists and stuff for me.)

2. On the iPhone, is there a URI registered that I can use to load OF into a specific place?

If I did the push notification scheme I'm talking about, I would add a helper app to the iPhone which popped up OF push notifications. When you hit "view", my app would load up, look at the context that had generated the notification, then open up this URI and start up OF at the right place.

(I'm an iPhone developer; I've got a prototype app doing push already)

