Thread: OmniBank
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Originally Posted by Andrew N View Post
Oh and for what it's worth Moneydance DOES do multiple currencies. It just doesn't handle realized gains and losses from currency transfers like LL did.
Beyond the shortcomings mentioned by Andrew N, Moneydance doesn't even handle such basics as transactions in a currency different from that of the account, at least not adequately. Say, you use a USD credit card for a purchase denominated in JPY. When you record this transaction, Moneydance converts it to USD and discards the JPY amount. So, when it comes to reconciliation, the JPY amount is not available to identify the transaction. And, what with foreign transaction fees and the like, the USD value on the account statement will will rarely if ever match the USD value recorded. In Liquid Ledger, on the other hand, this issue simply doesn't arise; both the JPY and USD value of the transaction are available.