Thread: Easier flagging
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Thanks for bringing up this thread.

Originally Posted by howiem View Post
Yup, but that's three taps per item, rather than a single tap; three times the work. Not much for a single action, but annoying if you're going down a list flagging stuff.
In fact it may even be up to four taps just to flag a single item. On OF for iPhone you have to tap a task, tap the "flag" toggle. In addition you go through your list of tasks using the UP and DOWN button.

On the ipad you can't do that. Although it offers more screen real estate there are no fewer than FOUR tabs for the functionality OF for iPhone offers in a single view:
- info,
- dates,
- notes and
- attachments

So to flag a task I need to (1) tap it, (2) tap the info tab, (3) tap the flag toggle, (4) tap done (5) tap the task below to go to the next task.

On OF for iPhone this takes only 3 instead of 5 steps.