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I agree with hypotyposis regarding the forecast and start dates.

I've recently switched from using Due Dates to using Start dates which allows for a much cleaner look in most perspectives by removing the tasks which aren't yet available as well as only showing me critical overdues rather than everything that was overdue. My badge regularly showed 100+items when I used due dates.

I now realised that switching to start dates makes the forecast view next to useless which is a shame as I found it one of the best features of the iPad app and really miss it now.

I think Forecast does need an option to show what you have planned for each day not just what is due each day. For me this now includes what I have planned to start each day even if the due date isn't set. Tasks with due dates should obviously still show, but I now only use days date for absolute critical tasks.

When I do my review I now set my start dates to more realistic dates that I plan to start that task or project.