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Originally Posted by danvtim View Post
I have asked for context sorting going back to 1.0 betas and Omni Group just does not seem to want to allow people to sort things within context.
It's not that we don't want to allow this; I've been wanting this myself for over a year now. We just haven't yet figured out a good way to do this efficiently: we currently store the order of actions within their project so that reordering items only involves updating the other actions within that same project (hopefully at most a few dozen actions). If we had to touch every other item in the database instead, that would become prohibitively slow on devices like the iPhone.

But we've been thinking about this quite a bit over the last year, and definitely plan to fix it. It just wasn't as important as shipping 1.0 in the first place, or adding support for synchronization in 1.1.