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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Oh, sorry that this isn't more clear! In project mode, we always preserve the order you've entered your actions in, since their order is often significant. (For example, I have to fix a bug, verify the fix, commit the fix, and post a new build in that order.)

You can reorder your actions by clicking the Edit button and dragging them into your preferred order. If you'd like the ability to sort the whole list by due date or some other criteria (like you can do on the desktop), please let us know by sending feedback to

And if you have suggestions for better default sort orders in the smart groups (Flagged, Due Soon, Overdue), we'd love to hear from you about that as well.

Hi Ken,

Thanks for asking for input about this - I will send this along to the email address above as well, but wanted to copy it here so that others could chime in if they had an opinion.

I understand that the sorting inside projects is done manually - it was the others (contexts, and the smart groups) that made no sense to me.

My preferences would be:

Inside a context: Sort first by Due Date, and then Flagged if on the same day - don't you want to see either of these first rather than some item in context that doesn't have a Due Date or isn't flagged?

Inside Flagged: Sort by Due Date, then project. I have flagged items that are due three weeks from now showing up before items that are due tomorrow.

Let me know if these don't make sense, or if there is some other way to do this.

Thanks as always for the prompt replies!
