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Hi everyone, it's been awhile since we last updated this entry, and it seems a lot of users find Dedoose through this thread. Here are some of the major changes Dedoose has seen (current version is 2.1).
  • Memo System - Ability to create ad-hoc notes and link them to excerpts, codes, descriptors, documents, etc. Full exportability
  • Training Center - Inter-rater relability testing for single or groups of users using both code appliaction and code weighting. We are using Cohen's Kappa, and Pearson's Correlation Co-efficent. This helps both a single user or a tea of users ensure the integretity of their analysis.
  • Chat System - Dedoose now includes a native chat system to communicate in real time to everyone in your project.
  • Code Import, Export, and Merge
  • Full Doc support in addition to other formats
  • Massive speed improvements. We are seeing project load times hve droped by over 20x in the last few months, along with massive in project speed enhancements.
  • Dedoose Forum - a web forum for keeping in touch with Dedoose, learning more, getting support, or communicating to other Dedoose users.
  • Advanced Project Importer - ability to import a excel doc with quantitative and qualitative data (for example from a survey monkey study) as a new project in Dedoose. The importer automatically creates the documents, excerpts, tags, descriptor fields, descriptors, and descriptor<->document links, essentially completing the entire index phase for you automatically.
  • Payment system updates - we have simplified the pricing model, added discounts, and the ability to pay-as-you-go.

Ther is a lot more going on at Dedoose, with massive improvements happening at a break-neck speed. Check out the forum or our blog to stay in touch. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or post a message on the forum if you have any questions. Also, we are more than willing to beat any competitors price anywhere under any circumstances.
Happy Coding!
~ JT