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I was having this problem as well, and was given this advice via tech support:
Connect to your sync location and move all of the
OmniFocus-related stuff into an "Old OmniFocus Data" folder that we
can examine later.

Moving that stuff into the new folder means that your
synchronization should be back in a pristine, original state.
Synchronize from whichever one of your devices has the most up-to-
date information to make sure that works. Maybe synchronize one more
time to make sure it still works.

If you look at your server at this point, you should see a single
OmniFocus.ofocus file; you shouldn't have any "copy-in-progress"
files lying around, for example.

One by one, go to the rest of your desktop computers and sync. You
may be asked to replace your local copy with the server copy; if so,
say yes. Sync again, to make sure that's solid. Go back to your
desktop and sync there.
I had no fewer than five separate "OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-[glyph]" folders in my remote BingoDisk/bingo folder. Starting over as described above made the symptom go away for a while. Sadly, the problem is recurring now, so I'll have to transcribe the data from iPhone to laptop by hand and start over. Again. Sigh.

This is clearly not ready for prime time. Then again, they pretty clearly tell us that it's not ready for prime time when they call the version of the software we're running "sneaky peeks."