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Originally Posted by kingsinger View Post
I'm pretty sure that "Due" means that the item has a due date.
"Due Soon" means the items has a due date that meets the criteria for "Due Soon" that you have set in the preferences.

I just tested it. Due or Flagged gives all items that are due or have a flag (subject to the whatever availability filter you have selected). Due Soon gives you items that meet the due soon criteria from preferences.
I am interested in the method of your testing. You say the result obtained with the Due or Flagged setting was that all items with a due date showed up under this setting. Granted flagged items showed up, but I am interested in the items with due dates at the moment. Here is why.

Under the "Projects" view the status filter does not have the option of "Due or Flagged" and this option is only in "Context" view for me. This is also not the Grouping or Sorting filters setting of "Due".

I selected No Context from the sidebar and proceeded to create 15 test tasks as follows for testing the "Due or Flagged" filter.

My view settings were as follows.

Context Filter: Remaining
Grouping: Context
Sorting: Project
Availability Filter: Remaining
Status Filter: Due or Flagged
Estimated Time Filter: Any Duration

My tasks and results were. Current time was today @5:30PM and due soon is set to be 2 days.
  • test due 1 (due today @5pm) — visible & red
  • test due 2 (due today+1 @5pm) — visible & orange
  • test due 3 (due today+2 @5pm) — visible & orange
  • test due 4 (due today+3 @5pm) — not visible
  • test due 5 (due today+4 @5pm) — not visible
  • test flag 1 (flagged) — visible & black
  • test flag 2 (flagged) — visible & black
  • test flag 3 (flagged) — visible & black
  • test flag 4 (flagged) — visible & black
  • test flag 5 (flagged) — visible & black
  • test due & flag 1 (due today @5pm & flagged) — visible & red
  • test due & flag 2 (due today+1 @5pm & flagged) — visible & orange
  • test due & flag 3 (due today+2 @5pm & flagged) — visible & orange
  • test due & flag 4 (due today+3 @5pm & flagged) — visible & black
  • test due & flag 5 (due today+4 @5pm & flagged) — visible & black

Am I missing something, because it appears to me the variable in the "Due or Flagged" setting is in relation to the task being due soon and not just any arbitrary due date. If any of the tasks containing a due date were set to repeat daily (and not have a start date) they would continue to show up under these settings immediately after completing the proceeding task which triggered their creation.

Also worth noting is if I had a weekly repeating task and only wanted to see it on the day it was due, I would need to also assign a start date in order to not have it start showing up under these settings two days out from its due date.