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Kari Anne,

First you need to create a directory to hold any OmniFocus scripts:
  1. Open a Finder window and click on Library (under PLACES in the side bar)
  2. Go to the Scripts folder
  3. Under Scripts, go to Applications. If this folder doesn't exist, then create a new folder and give it that name. If you're using a Norwegian localization, these names might be different. I'm not sure.
  4. Having found or created Applications, create a folder inside it called OmniFocus.
  5. Copy the script file to the new OmniFocus folder.

Now if you quit OmniFocus and restart it, OF will notice that there are some scripts. If you right-click on the tool bar in OF, you can choose to customize it. Scroll down through the various buttons and you'll find the scripts. You can drag the Complete and Await Reply button onto the toolbar.

Hope that helps!
