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Thanks for that info. I have to admit that my knowledge of AppleScript is shallow at best, so I may be doing something wrong here. I tried modifying the fullscreen function to the following:

-- Checks whether an application is in full screen mode in Lion
on isFullScreen(strAppCode)
		tell application id "sevs"
			set lstApps to application processes where its creator type = "OGfl"
			if length of lstApps < 1 then return missing value
			tell first item of lstApps
				set oWin to missing value
					set oWin to second window
				end try
				if oWin is not missing value then
					tell oWin
						repeat with oCanv in canvases of its document
							set canvas of it to oCanv
							-- ZOOM TO FIT
							tell application id "sevs" to click mnuZoomFit
						end repeat
					end tell
				end if
			end tell
		end tell
	on error
		return false
	end try
end isFullScreen
This didn't work, possibly due to not coding correctly. I do wonder, however, if fullscreen windows always appear as Window 2 given that you can have multiple fullscreen windows open in OmniGraffle simultaneously.