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Hello OmniPlan forums!

I'm a Mac/iPhone user of OmniFocus. I teach private music lessons, and I'm looking for software that would let me visualize on a timeline what my students have been doing, are going to do, etc. I'm wondering if OmniPlan would suit my needs. My guess is that it is serious overkill, but if it does the job right, I'd be willing to pay for it and learn it.

My idea is to have a project for each student (is this even possible?). In their Gantt chart I'd have different groupings of activities. One might be songs they're working on, theory topics we've gone over, technical drills.

For example, a student might be working on barre chords. Typically, we'd first learn the typical four shapes for major and minor (one each for roots on bottom two strings). After this "task" is over, we'd go on to Dominant 7, and then Major and Minor 7s. I want to visually see how long we've been on each topic.

Other "wants" include the ability to output some kind of report (not necessarily in Gantt chart format). I'd also love to have lists of things that I can reuse with each student. For example, when a beginning student is learning rhythms and power chords, I have collections of drills I use. It would be ideal to drag a drill to the proper place on the chart, mark it done, and throw the next one down.

Finally, I use OmniFocus to manage my own actions related to teaching. It's wonderful to have a super-quick way to enter into OF a note at the end of a lesson such as "Ben needs a copy of Hell's Bells" and assign it a due date of one week from now (his next lesson). This works great for reminding *me* what I need to do. Is there any integration with OmniPlan that would make it quick and easy to add such a task to the student's respective project?

When I think I have enough time to play around I'm going to download the 14-day trial. With this post I'm just hoping to get an opinion or two about what may work, what may not work, and obstacles I might face.
