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Originally Posted by SpiralOcean View Post
The problem arises when I am working on a project, and taking notes in a different application. At some point I assume we will be able to link another application's file to OmniFocus. So I could link a note to OmniFocus.
As Ken said, you can link a file already to OmniFocus entries.

After trying a range of apps (Circus Ponies' Notebook, Yojimbo, StickyBrain, and SOHO Notes), I've settled on three snippet and notetaking applications: DEVONthink Pro for my serious scholarly research, Journler for all my other notes and snippets (work and personal), and MacJournal for keeping journals. The only drawback to this trio is that DevonThink doesn't yet support Spotlight. Supposedly it will in version 2.0.