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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Would that help?
It would certainly help me!

This dialog box seriously annoys me. I use OmniFocus from 4 different devices depending on which one is closest at the time. I love it that I can use OmniFocus like this.

However I don't make that many edits and I only use 1 or 2 of the devices regularly. When I click ignore the sync only takes a few seconds. Therefore I spend a few seconds clicking away this dialog box every day or 30 seconds deleting the currently unused registration just to save my Macs from doing 0.1s of extra work. That's a bad piece of design. If it must nag, it should do so only when there is a real problem and I should not have to trundle off to the preferences screen in order to solve the problem (i.e. add the option to un-register the client to the nag dialog box).

I look forward to the new and improved sync in forthcoming versions but in the meantime I shall apply the settings in this post so that I get nagged less frequently.
