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Seriously. You guys are slower to update your apps than any other company ever. Three and a half years ago, in Jan 2008, someone posted in this thread that you were working on v1.5. Now, in Jun 2011, the apps are up to 1.7. And Omnigraffle has been frozen somewhere between version 5.0 and 5.2.3 for how long now?

Personally, as I've waited in vain for much-needed improvements, I've felt for a long time that you simply abandoned your mac users in favor of cashing in on the iOS gold rush. Your products are not yet mature but have incredible potential. But unless the next major version upgrade is the equivalent of _at_least_ the two major version releases that should have occurred in almost 4 years, I can't see how you expect to be taken seriously by your user base.

I mean, you have four different apps that deal with hierarchically organized data, and after 4 years of user requests they still don't talk to each other? That's like something I expect from Windows apps. No, excuse me, Microsoft has had some sort of functionality like that in their apps for, what, 15 years? 20?

After all these years, Omnigraffle's graphviz DOT rendering still only uses a "subset" (read: slightly short of the bare acceptable minimum) of the DOT spec - and that's when it succeeds in reading it, rather than just crashing the entire program, which is often. And, in 2011, THIS is the most advanced graphing app on the Mac? Has this platform turned into a complete joke?

Back to the thread topic, here's what I need: an outlining program that uses the contexts and other convenient features like OmniFocus, but which lets me add extra columns which can be totaled or averaged, and, if any each outline item contains start/end dates/times, I want to see a Gantt chart, complete with critical path. Apparently, in 2011, this is too much to ask from the Mac platform. I'm getting ready to sit down and write it myself at this point!

I'm glad you got your feet in the door of the iDevice gold rush. I hope you make a fortune, all buy bigger houses, and hire a bunch more skilled programmers. Now, could you please forget about the obsession with fashionable little toys, and create something that runs on actual computers and is adequate for actual business users?

There are so few apps that are capable of what you need them to do anymore. It's like everything's been dumbed-down, and power users who need actual working tools are, for the most part, out of luck on the Mac platform nowadays.

I really wish Omni would buck that "80% of needed functionality is good enough" trend. Your apps have so much potential. But, I don't know if I speak for anyone other than myself, but you need to make the next major revs work double-plus good, or I'm gonna finally be convinced you're just not dedicated to fulfilling my (not extraordinary) business needs.