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Thanks, nice idea.

You may need to define your toolName variable, and decide what will happen if no Context is assigned.

An abbreviation might look something like:
tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
	tell content of front document window of front document
		set lstActions to value of (selected trees where class of value is task)
		set str to ""
		repeat with oAction in lstActions
			tell oAction
				set {strName, dteDue, oProject, oContext} to {name, due date, containing project, its context}
				set str to str & "Action Item: " & strName & return
				if dteDue is not missing value then set str to (str & "Due by: " & dteDue as string) & return
				if oProject is not missing value then set str to str & "Project: " & name of oProject & return
				if oContext is not missing value then set str to str & "Who: " & name of oContext & return
				set str to str & return
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell
if length of str > 0 then set the clipboard to str
(You have probably noticed that there is also an OmniFocus Extras forum, on which most scripts tend to be posted).
