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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Further investigation reveals that the following seems to be a more accurate description of the 1.7.5 Stalled filter:

projects where status is active and ((number of tasks is 0) or ((its number of completed tasks ≤ its number of tasks) and (its number of available tasks is 0))) and singleton action holder is false and ((hidden of its folder is false) or (its folder is missing value)) and ((its start date is missing value) or (start date ≤ today))
Your characterization of "fairly baroque" is fairly applied, I think :-)
Excellent ! That does look more like it.

Perhaps I should add an abbreviation to Where in OF for people who want reproduce the older list ? What would one call it ? [OldStalled] ? [1.7.5-Stalled] ?

(I'm personally happy with the simpler version in OF 1.8, though I can see why some found the old version useful, and I can quite understand a sense of transitional alarm at finding that a familiar element of a toolkit has changed).

Does it look to you as if the OF 1.8 stalled is properly captured by:
[Stalled-projects]->((number of tasks is number of completed tasks) and (status is active) and (singleton action holder is false) and ((effectively hidden of its folder is false) or (its folder is missing value)))

(I did ask the support Ninjas whether they could persuade anyone in Omni to check the draft interpretations of the OF 1.8 filters, but I think everyone is a bit too busy for that to register as a priority at the moment).


Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-07-17 at 07:37 AM..