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sadly SyncServices (the framework that backs .Mac syncing) is not terribly reliable in our experience.
I agree that syncservices can be a bit flaky, but it's highly reliable when the Macs underneath are running well. (Most problems show up when recovering old backups or otherwise messing with the base files it syncs off of)

However, syncservices is at least as good as the next best alternative. I've never seen a sync routine that was truly bulletproof and trouble-free. The best I've seen is easy recovery from data loss (e.g. archive objects deleted by the sync).

If OmniFocus continues its habit of storing a few backups, I think it would be FAIRLY easy to recover from sync-based data loss. Especially if there were some way to merge the current DB with an archived backup, so that you could get back on track even if you didn't notice the error.

If OF goes its own way on sync'ing, I'm terribly afraid we'll get something LESS reliable or HARDER to deal with than syncservices. I've never gotten OmniWeb's bookmark sync to work properly and have quit using that feature entirely, as it's just too hard to troubleshoot. Ultimately, syncservices and its quirks is a known quantity; .Mac users can troubleshoot it and Apple has good guides on working with sync problems.

Just my 2 cents (okay, maybe it's my buck, but whatever)