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The following code fragment should give you an idea of how to access these values:

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
	tell front document
		tell column 3
			set y to {shouldUseVerboseFormat:boolean, hoursPerDay:integer, hoursPerWeek:integer, hoursPerMonth:integer} as record
			set y to format
			set hPD to |hoursPerDay| of y
			display dialog "hPD is " & hPD buttons "OK"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
I found the record definition in Script Editor by running

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
	tell front document
		tell column 3
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
and looking at the result. All this with a document that had the appropriate definition of column 3, of course!