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I thought I new OmniFocus pretty well - but today it surprised me.

If you have a context hierarchy like this:

- Going to Work
- Arrive at Work
- ....
- Leaving Work

And you pause the Work context, would you expect all the sub contexts to be paused? I did but apparently not.

On the the other hand dropping a folder takes all sub folders with it and flagging a project/task flags all it's child tasks.

Objective: I was looking for an iOS friendly strategy for quickly disabling or enabling all (eg) work related tasks over the weekend or prior to going on holiday.

On the desktop it's easy to select all tasks in my work context and set a start date of Monday but not so easy on the phone. Also the start date strategy is hard to undo and can mess up carefully crafted repeats. If folders were pausable that would be an option, but they're not.

I'm curious - does anyone have a use for paused root contexts + unpaused child contexts?