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Originally Posted by euchomai View Post
This is exactly what I have done and I just can't punch through at all. Has anyone here successfully used an airport express base station to pull this off? I've got to figure this out.
Is your Airport Express Base Station your internet gateway/router? I suspect not. If so, that may be part of your problem. I suspect your network looks like:

cable modem/router -> airport -> mac

If so, the modem/router needs to forward port 3000 to the airport which in turn needs to forward it to your mac. Also, for this to work, you need to give your airport express and your mac a static IP address on your network. Most home network software defaults to DHCP -- a protocol for dynamically allocating you an IP address.

Hope this helps.


P.S. Feel like an idiot. Didn't subscribe to this thread so didn't realize that people were chatting here! Also, feel free to use the forums and/or mailing list on the RubyForge page linked above. Likewise, if you find bugs, submit a trouble ticket via the "Tracker" on the RubyForge page.

P.P.S. I've been a goof off lately, playing way too much Xbox. However, now that I'm back to working a 9-5 again post holidays, I'll get back to hacking.