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Originally Posted by CatOne
I can get a phone # in about 1/2 second with Launchbar by just typing command-space and then 3 characters of the name, and hitting right arrow to get all the contacts phone #'s. It's faster than expanding the notes and viewing the info in OmniFocus, for certain.
But that isn't going to be much help on your iPhone when not at your Mac, is it? Speaking for myself (w/o iPhone service), most phone numbers I embed in notes are for those who aren't in my address book. On the Mac, I'm happy to use Spotlight to pull up a number quickly for a regular contact, but don't want to clutter my address book further with numbers/contacts likely to be used only once. If I'm working from the iPad or iPod, I might well not have any internet connectivity, so a few seconds to bring up the note vs. maybe not making the call is a good tradeoff. The phone call is likely to be much longer than either lookup :-)